Protect Young Eyes: Creating a Tech-Ready Home
February 22, 2025
Kenwood Kids is a community of children and families who are united together in Jesus Christ to seek first the Kingdom of God.
Our shared mission is to empower children and families to become authentic Christ-followers, serving God, one another, and the world. And our shared vision is that together, through our love, teaching, and example, we will entrust the Gospel to the next generations; in the hope that they will surpass us in knowing and serving Christ.
Children matter to God. And God desires that every child will come and join His Kingdom quest, to trust and follow Jesus, to seek and find God’s truth, to fulfill God’s plan and purposes, to receive God’s blessings, and be part of God’s eternal Kingdom. (Matthew 18:14).
Please plan to arrive fifteen minutes before service times if you are new to Kenwood so that we can help you check your children in to our system. You will then walk your children to their classrooms.
9:15 Classes for birth through 1st grade.
Older children are encouraged to attend service with their families.
11:00 Classes for birth through 6th grade
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9.
The family and the home are a child’s first community, first school of life, and first little church of faith. Parents are a child’s first teachers, first pastor, and first impressions of God. Thus together, we want to strengthen marriages, equip parents, and support families to impress faith upon their children at home through 7 FAMILY HABITS.
1. Healthy relationships
2. Family faith traditions/celebrations
3. Family devotions
4. Spiritual conversations
5. Family in service to others
6. Family evangelism and outreach to others.
7. Family missions
Special family events are held throughout the year to encourage, equip, and support parents and to strengthen families.
Nursery, Toddlers, and 3-year-olds
Our dedicated teachers will care for and teach your children while you attend worship.
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52
Children Kindergarten through 6 grade are taught and encouraged to grow like Jesus in 12 key areas of Christian faith.
1. Healthy relationships with parents, family, church, and others.
2. Worship
3. Prayer and devotional life
4. Bible knowledge, skills, application, and biblical worldview
5. Bible memory and mediation
6. Christian service to others
7. Stewardship of time, talents, and treasures
8. Salvation
9. Character transformation and Holy Spirit fullness
10. Talents, skills, spiritual gifts discovery and development
11. Global missions involvement, and global kingdom perspective
12. Evangelism, local outreach, and cross-cultural ministry
Elementary Classes
We encourage families to worship together. Because we believe that the parents are the primary influence for their children’s faith, worshiping together is a special time during the week. It is in the worship service that children learn to listen and to apply God’s Word as it is taught, worship as a part of the Body of Christ, and learn life application of faith from the family and the church.
“In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:14
Children with special needs (whether physical, psychological, developmental, learning, etc.) are especially important to God and to us as a faith community. Our desire is to support and encourage parents who have children with special needs, to work with parents in understanding each child’s needs, and to provide assistance for each child so that they may fully participate in Kenwood Kids.
Please contact the Pastor of Children and Families Discipleship to arrange a family meeting if you have a child with special needs.
Our Kenwood Kids offers many great events throughout the year. All are welcome as we strengthen children’s faith and help families celebrate Jesus together.
Special events include: